Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Exciting Emmett Adventures

Today... Preston and I went to Emmett to renew my license and get him his very first state ID:) exciting stuff!!
Pretty good photo considering the circumstances.

On the other hand I look mad/confused/"I'm trying to take a good photo but that always makes it worse"

Although it is a 1,000 X better than my under 18 license- TOTAL MUG SHOT:)

Right as we were finishing up, we realized we were 5$ short. So we decided to take a walk in the rain to the bank, which ended up being further than I thought- COLD!

It was waayy fun though. 
1 we met some super nice folks along the way
2 embraced the small town old country feel with its cute tiny homes:)
3 got my daily exercising in- ran through every intersection 

Oh and exciting news... Have I mentioned I can start my mission papers in 4 MONTHS!!!
INSANE I KNOW- I am so so excited though!!!

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