Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tribute to Roseleaf Academy

      Dear Aunt Laurel and Camille,

I've been in school for 8 days now and as I walk down the hallways of Eagle High School, my mind keeps reflecting back on my time at "Roseleaf Academy."
You both helped me grow so much and understand who I am.

 You helped me feel comfortable with myself and not care what others think.

Really and truly, I think you brought the old Paige back, the confident one.

And even though others may not see it, I feel it.
Everything I learned those 4 weeks at "Roseleaf Academy," has made my first 8 days of senior year so much better!
And I know it will make my life so much better! Being happy with who I am- I'm ME!:)

                 Love Always,

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